‘The Bounce Rate’ Problem

Pay close attention to how your website is designed. Is it user friendly? Is it SEO optimized? Does it invite the user to explore?

Despite being a bonafide player in the luxury villa segment – with an array of impressive products – their website was saddled with a staggering bounce rate of 85%. This was unhealthy.

  ▪ This impeded prospects from knowing their products.

  ▪ Prevented the website from being a powerful and effective tool         for lead generation and site visits.

The solution
Redesign the website for the best UX/UI experience. Re-optimize content and graphics for search. Aim for low drop-off rate as a result of low bounce rate.

The results
Increased dwell time and a dramatic reduction in drop-off rate to 45%, as seen in Pic.2 Enhanced conversions and site visits as a result of visitors engaging and spending more time exploring the content.

The bounce rate and drop-off rate and two critical indicators – that usually slip under the radar -that can undermine your bottom line if not recognised or addressed.